CSS Tricks

After making it through a week of class, we made it to the second week where we will move on to new topics and expand our skillset to create more responsive websites. Throughout the first week, it was a bit cumbersome having to switch rooms between the first half and second half of the day.... Continue Reading →

Creating Websites

After going through 2 weeks of an intense vestibule, I finally made it into web development module where I will be able to learn how to make websites through HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, the essentials of front-end web development, and use the command line, git and github to code more efficiently. For the first day, the... Continue Reading →

My First Coding Assessment

System, Environment 1. What is Processing? Processing is an Integrated Development Environment in which people can write programs that create visual art. It is helpful for learning how to code and visualizing it. 2. What does IDE stand for? Describe its components. An IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment which is a software that consolidates... Continue Reading →

My First Hackathon

We Get To Leave Early It is Friday, and I have made it a whole week in the vestibule so far. I have been able to stay punctual with attendance, and finish all of my programming assignments, projects, and challenges on time even if I had to sacrifice sleep. Because there was no career planning... Continue Reading →

Learning More About Web Developers

Difference Between Junior and Senior Web Developer It is day 4 in the vestibule and I have learned a lot throughout the week. In the career planning section, we watched a few videos that detailed more about the field of web development. One of the videos titled Difference Between Junior & Senior Developer discussed what... Continue Reading →

My first coding challenge

Assignment Specifications October 19 – We were given 14 different coding challenges that included staticSketch, basicActiveSketch, color, systemVariables, operatorsAndAssignment, systemFunctions, interaction_Events, interaction_Events_Follow, ifConditional, if_Else_Conditional, elseIF_Conditional, booleanVariablesGlobal, and forAndWhileLoop. These were all the challenges in which we had to comment every line of code and explain what was going on, and then modify it. I chose... Continue Reading →

First Collaborative Coding Project

Assignment Specification: October 18 - We had to work in pairs and create a project through collaborative coding that utilized moving shapes and used variables, operators, and built-in functions, but we were restricted from using any conditional statements or loops for this project. Code Output Description With my partner, Danny, we had to create a... Continue Reading →

Front-end vs Back-end Web Development

Career Research Through Uncubed In the third day at the TechHire vestibule, we did some in-depth career research for the career planning section. We looked through uncubed.com, which I found to be a very helpful job platform for learning more insight about a field, a position, or a company. I found it to be particularly... Continue Reading →

My First Programming Assignment in Processing

Assignment Specification After getting acquainted with the Processing IDE, we were given our first programming assignment which was to create basic shapes with colors and a colorful background for the canvas using the setup() and draw() functions. So this is the sketch (program) I came up with using Processing: Code: Output: Description In my programming... Continue Reading →

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